We are here to help you comply with new social and government compliance rules.

To see how MYASSET LOCKER helps you to create value for your policyholders and you to satisfy ESG reporting requirements…


Thinking and acting on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) in a proactive way has become a pressing concern for the insurance industry which is why insurers are now developing or purchasing products for policy-holders to further incentivize sustainability.

The way an insurer manages the claims process impacts both profits and long-term sustainability. In the ESG world, you will be held accountable in stronger ways than in the past for providing property and casualty policy-holders with faster, more transparent and efficient settlement of their loss claims.

We invite you to explore what we offer.

We are confident you will see the usefulness of this tool and we welcome your participation. We are here to serve you and enable you to protect what has taken your sacrifice of time and resources to achieve.

We hope you will use our services to help you safeguard your personal belongings from unexpected and potentially devastating personal property loss.


We will be with you every step of the way.